Building Strong Minds and Faith-Filled Hearts
Discipline Policy for Grades Kindergarten-Third
On the K-3 level, teachers will handle behavioral infractions as follows:
Minor Infractions of behavior include but are not limited to the following: Lack of respect, lack of response to the bell, incomplete homework, being unprepared for class, talking during prayers/announcements/halls/class or when directed not to and any type of inappropriate behavior. These infractions may result in a warning notice and/or lunch time detention to be supervised by a K-3 teacher. Repeated infractions will be reflected on the student assessment card.
Major Infractions of behavior include but are not limited to the following: Aggressive behavior, bullying, harassment of any kind, misbehavior during a fire drill or in Church, food throwing, inappropriate language, disregard for the school rules, consistent lack of respect, consistently being unprepared for class, cheating, stealing, or defacing school or personal property. Consequences for the first major infraction, reflected on the student assessment card, will include a demerit and an immediate parent-teacher contact. The second major infraction will include a parent-teacher-principal conference along with disciplinary action.
The teachers reserve the right to name offenses as major/minor in light of the circumstances.
K - 3 Teachers