Building Strong Minds and Faith-Filled Hearts
Dear Parents,
In an effort to provide a complete understanding of the grading for second grade, the following explanation is presented:
As indicated on Grade 2 Report Card, the academic achievement codes in relation to NYS Common Core Standards and Diocese Curricula are as follows:
The grading of all tests, quizzes, and homework will reflect the achievement codes as stated above.
Homework: Periodically homework assignments will be collected for grading. A perfect score 3 would indicate a grade level understanding of the material.
Quizzes: Announced and unannounced quizzes are usually limited to a minimal number of concepts the child should possess after experiencing it in class work and homework. This understanding is considered to be on grade level. A perfect score of 3 would indicate grade level understanding of the material. Quizzes will vary in length depending on the subject area.
Tests: Announced tests cover a broader range of topics and are usually given at the end of a chapter(s) or unit(s). The tests are divided into two parts- Content and Performance.
Projects, book reports and other non-test assessments will be accompanied by a rubric included with the directions.
Since there many components in determining a child’s progress, they must be prioritized to decide a final assessment grade for the report card. The most weight is given to the performance questions, followed by the content questions and quizzes. Homework and all non-test assessments will receive the same priority as content questions and quizzes, since most of these assessments are completed at home.
Quizzes given weekly or biweekly will receive a maximum grade of 3 indicating that the student demonstrates an understanding of grade level standards and objectives and applies expected skills to work.
We hope this explanation clarifies any questions that you have regarding the grading for this year. Please contact us by note or email with any questions.
Thank you so much for your continued cooperation and assistance in providing the children a smooth transition into second grade.
The Second Grade Teachers