Building Strong Minds and Faith-Filled Hearts
In cooperation and under the directives of our diocese, all parishes must participate in Virtus Protecting God's Children Program. This workshop is required of all employees, parish volunteers and school parents/guardians (grandparents and relatives who assist us) who have contact with our children. It is in addition to the background release and code of conduct which you are required to complete for our parish. with the release, code of conduct, and Virtus training, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ASSIST US as class chaperones, lunch supervisor, class parent, or in any other capacity for our school.
Periodically, the two hour session is held here at St. Rose of Lima Parish.
To see where and when Virtus classes are held and to register, please visit
VIRTUS Online Class Registration
You must indicate Rockville Centre, NY Safe Environment (Diocese) from the drop down menu and on the next page for session type select Protecting God's Children for Adults to begin class registration. The website will guide you through the registration process.